Refinance Student Loans

Refinance your existing student loans with Mainstreet Federal Credit Union to lower your monthly payments and reduce the interest rate. *View Terms and Conditions

Variable Rate **View Conditions for Variable Rates

as low as 4.53% APR

(with autopay View Conditions for Autopay Discount)

Fixed Rate

as low as 4.89% APR

(with autopay View Conditions for Autopay Discount)

Powered by LendKey

Why Borrow With Us?

Competitive Interest Rates

We can help you replace those high interest rates with a rate that better fits your budget and lifestyle.

Flexible Rates and Terms

Pay your loan off quickly, or keep your monthly payments as low as possible — the choice is yours.

0.25% Interest Rate Reduction

Set up recurring monthly payments and enjoy a reduced interest rate. View Conditions for Autopay Discount

Release Your Cosigner

Give more flexibility to your cosigner by releasing them from your loan after making 12 consecutive on-time full principal and interest payments. View conditions for cosigner release

Borrow What You Need

Refinance up to $125,000 in undergraduate student loan debt or $250,000 in graduate debt.

5 Minutes & Done

Complete your entire application online in under 5 minutes.

  • Manage Your Loan — Our online portal lets you check your balance, make payments, and access your account anytime — day or night.
  • Simplify Your Finances — With one easy monthly payment, you won't need to keep track of multiple bills.
  • No Origination Fee — Why pay us money to process your loan application? We'll never charge you any origination fees.

Are You Eligible?

In addition to Mainstreet Federal Credit Union's underwriting criteria, you must also meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • You and your cosigner (if applicable) are US citizens or permanent residents.
  • You've graduated from an eligible school.
  • You're refinancing private and/or federal loans.
  • If you have loans for exam preparation classes (including LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, and GRE), they're not eligible for refinancing.
  • You're a member of Mainstreet Federal Credit Union (or become a member during the online application process).
Have a Question? 888-549-9050 Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM ET